Disse versjonene inneholder flere feilrettinger og noen få nye funksjoner. Versjon 6.3.3 kan lastes ned fra linken nederst på siden.
Version 6.3.3
- Fixed bug created in 6.3.2 with DVDs not playing.
- Fixed bug with schedules slides getting out of order after deleting slides.
- Fixed an issue with videos that have a start and stop position not starting at the correct position.
Versjon 6.3.2
- Fixed problem with text font size shrinking or changing after editing an schedule or song saved in an previous version of EasyWorship.
- Fixed schedule to show sub-title and content correctly when title is hidden or missing on presentations.
- Fixed schedule to show title for presentations even if it is hidden as long as it contains text.
- Fixed bug where hidden elements where calculated into AutoSize Normalization.
- Fixed bug where hiding or deleting an element that was normalized, did not cause Normalization to re-calculate.
- Fixed bug where titles created for media items used the incorrect text style max font size. This could result in incorrect auto sizing.
- Fixed bug with media file items that you drag to the schedule not showing if you have clear screen selected.
- Fixed bug in VideoPlayer not starting on the clip start position.
- Fixed bug in VideoPlayer if you scrub beyond the end of the video with clip properties it would keep playing beyond clip end.
- Fixed bug with seeking beyond end of video clip while using repeating causing the audio to turn back on instead of canceling seek.
- Fixed bug with progress time changing erroneously while scrubbing if you have slide timing.
- Fixed bug where dropping an imported presentation into the schedule would cause it to show up blank.
- Fixed bug where some of the audio items would not mute while seeking if you had multiple interactive media items on slide.
- Fixed bug when using an importing presentation in a schedule that caused it to lose its backgrounds.
- Fixed problem with not being able to specify formatting options for normal text items separately from other text items.
- Fixed it so theme changes on networked profiles will be reflected correctly across all connections.
- Fixed bug where PowerPoint files imported to schedule may contain incorrect thumbnails.
- Fixed bug where PowerPoint viewer may not capture correct slides.
- Fixed bug with copy and pasting in the song editor title, using keyboard shortcuts, pasting into the outline editor by mistake.
- Change copy and cut in editor designer to work more like drag and drop in designer by allowing single line copies to omit paragraph separator.
- Fixed bug with CRLF at end of single line in editor designer does not advance caret to next line.
- Fixed bug with imported 2009 schedule not importing scriptures.
- Fixed bug with not being able to use the re-open schedule menu items if the filename has an & in it.
- Fixed problem with next button being disabled on last PowerPoint slide when it has more builds.
- Fixed problem with helper getting stuck building unique file id on empty files.
- Fixed bug with presentations not keeping default presentation theme when saved.
- Fixed bug with selecting all text in the editor and pressing the tab key causing an "Item not found" error message.
- Fixed cosmetic bug with video controls when using higher DPI.
- Fixed bug with using IP camera direct show filter as a live feed.
- Fixed bug in folder watch code that might generate an item not found message after deleting or changing a file.
- fixed bug with presentation thumbnail not updating when the default theme or connected theme changes.
- Fixed bug with in schedule where duplicate items would share text elements resulting in changes to one effecting the other.
- Fixed lockup that occurs when hammering the GoLive button on very fast computers. This was due to the font cache eninge cleanup code.
Nye funksjoner:
- Added next line info for presentations on foldback.
- Added default font in options for live and foldback to allow for font changes in one place.
- Added larger thumbnail sizes for media, presentations, and themes when using higher DPI.